Would you like to evaluate a hotel restaurant property or company?
Activ Gastro HOTEL Immobilier the hotel property and company sales specialists also evaluate hotel and hospitality properties & companys for 28 years
We are specialized in property evaluations of hotels, restaurants and other properties in the tourism sector. Are you planning a new hotel project, to buy or sell a hotel business, a conversion or new financing for a hotel company, a major renovation, etc.? The reasons for evaluating a hospitality or gastronomy property are many and varied.
Hotel real estate evaluation
Since Activ Gastro was founded, we have had the privilege of valuing over 400 properties and have therefore acquired exceptional know-how in the process.
Activ Gastro HOTEL Immobilier is accredited by various banks as a real estate valuer for hotels, restaurants and other tourism properties.
In addition, we train the prospective federal appraiser candidates in the field of hotel real estate valuation and hospitality property evaluation.
Company valuation
Confidence in the choice and application of well-known and established company valuation methods is essential.
Activ Gastro HOTEL Immobilier goes one step further here.
Thanks to many years of experience, we understand which occasion requires which valuation method. Company succession has different requirements than a sale to a third party or the transfer of participation rights to senior employees.
Together with you, we clean up the historical data and, based on this, create business plans that support the final valuation of the company in terms of content and present it in a comprehensible way. This is how we create a basis for price setting but also for financing negotiations.
Our service includes a company valuation, always according to various methods. Be it discounted free cash flow, net asset value or practitioner method.
Activ Gastro HOTEL Immobilier is not reinventing the wheel…
In the following section, we refer to the definitions, additional information and assessments of the SME portal of the Swiss Confederation:
Assessing the value of the company is certainly the most difficult step in the handover process – for both the transferring and the acquiring party.
There are many methods to calculate the value of the company:
This section presents the most common calculation methods, as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. In addition, there are tips for successful financing of succession.
Business Value: Benefits of an Objective Valuation
Intrinsic Value and Practitioner Method
Definition of capitalized earnings
Discounted Cash Flow Method (DCF)
Bases of financing succession of a company
Factors contributing to succes: How to finance succession of a company
Source: Swiss Confederation, SME portal for small and medium-sized enterprises
We are looking forward to answering any questions you may have about company valuation. Do not hesitate to contact us
Manual for hospitality industry real estate evaluation
In 2013, our handbook: ” Evaluation of hotel and hospitality properties in practice” was published (ISBN 978-3-906112-15-2).
The purpose of this manual is to provide insight into the subject matter of hotel and hospitality property appraisals and to provide a variety of different estimation methods. It should serve as a working basis for all interested parties, especially credit officers, property appraisers, owners and prospective hotel real estate purchasers.
Manual – Handbook
The manual is aimed at stakeholders in the tourism, finance and construction sectors, so we use language that is generally understandable.
Reasons that led us to produce this manual:
- Training of Activ Gastro HOTEL Immobilier employees
- Basis for the internal hotel and hospitality property evaluation tool
- Education document of the real estate appraiser training USPI, bank employees, companies, etc.
In addition, it is intended to provide an introduction to the extensive appraisal activities, to promote transparency in the evaluation system and to contribute to a better mutual understanding of the construction, real estate, banking and tourism sectors, investors, operators, etc.
In addition, the manual is intended to demonstrate Activ Gastro HOTEL Immobilier’s approach to property valuations.
By studying this manual seriously, the reader should be able to understand the most important elements of the valuation subject matter, to carry out evaluations themselves and to assess external evaluations.
For an initial analysis (e.g. internal bank use or as a first rough purchase analysis, etc.) we recommend our “QUICK” evaluation.
This offer also includes an inspection of the property, rough analysis of the business, analysis of existing documents and assessment of the future viability. About 10 Excel pages provide you with a lot of information in a short time.
The “Quick Evaluation” is a provisional rapid determination of market value subject to reservation for the exclusive use of the contracting party. It is prepared on the basis of a rough analysis, i.e. in an abbreviated procedure without knowledge of all relevant documents and information.
The “Quick Valuation” therefore does notreplace our comprehensive evaluations, which comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and e.g. the internal Bank Instructions.